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Hillary Clinton's Bathroom Break

by Sophia Parker on March 28, 2016

Person, Hillary Clinton's Bathroom Break

2016 is an important election year in America.  It seems that anything goes including Hilary Clinton’s delay in returning to her debating podium from one of her bathroom breaks.  A recent article published in The Huffington Post named, “Biology Doesn’t Write Laws: Hillary Clinton’s Bathroom Break” is a perfect example of political rhetoric at its finest.  Hard to imagine that so many intelligent people have so much to say about a bathroom break.

The topic of Hilary Clinton being detained briefly in the bathroom has prompted a wide range of commentaries from tweeters, bloggers, writers and even from other politicians, about subjects varying from Trump’s comments regarding female bodily functions being “disgusting,” to a column in the New York Times entitled; “Everybody Pees.”  I was surprised and somewhat amused at all of the twists and turns that the media took on a topic as simple and uneventful as using the restroom.

The only part of the article that I considered potentially impactful was at the end where the author mentioned that the women’s restroom was located much further from the stage than the men’s facilities.  According to The Huffington Post article, it took until 2009 for female senators to finally get a restroom even remotely close to the Speaker’s lobby. One tweet by Representative Donna M. Christensen was quoted as stating, “The first woman came to Congress in 1917. We are finally getting a ladies rest room near the floor of the House.”  Male facilities on the other hand were reportedly located much closer, so as not to interfere with male participation in debates.  Not only was the men’s restroom close, according to the Huffington Post, it also “had a fireplace, a shoeshine stand, and televised floor proceedings. There was also an attendant who warned men if session breaks were coming to an end.”

So what can we learn from all of this “to do” about normal everyday human physiology?  As a society we need to embrace the needs of everyone, women and men alike, some of whom may be suffering from urinary incontinence.  In reality, literally millions of people live with bladder health problems each and every day from an overactive bladder, neurologic disorder, or other urinary system disorders.  What a great improvement it would be if standing in long lines to go to the bathroom was no longer a reality for any of us-male or female.  Even for those who don’t have bladder disorders, let’s face it, it’s not healthy to hold it for long periods, when we need to go, we need to go.

If you suffer from incontinence, be sure to check out our great selection of men’s and women’s fashionable and effective incontinence wear today at FANNYPANTS.com.


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